In Zimbabwe a 120 years old man!

Some time ago an Asian friend told me about a method that according to him "prolong" the life and made it better in terms of health and well-being. A method practiced by Buddhists, I think, and Guru. Doing research on the internet I found that the thing is not so much "stupid" and it is also explained scientifically.

The "Sun Eating" or "Sun Gazing" but i like more the first one, "Sun Eating"!

How? You may wonder, I report here an article, read it all (it's a bit long but worth it) and then I'll show you a thing!:

Ever wanted to be in more than one place at a time? That’s right, I’m talking about the super-human abilities that can be gained by those who follow the protocol for what’s known as sun-gazing, a valid practice recently confirmed by NASA. Many proponents of this ancient technique, used by many cultures such as Mayan, Egyptian, Aztec, Tibetian and Indian yoga, report not only healing benefits to common illnesses, but obtaining super-human abilities such as advanced telepathy and going completely without the need for food.

What is Sun Gazing?

Sun gazing (also known as sun-eating) is a strict practice of gradually introducing sunlight into your eyes at the lowest ultraviolet-index times of day – sunrise and sunset. Those who teach the practice say there are several rules to the practice. First, it must be done within the hour after sunrise or before sunset to avoid damaging the eyes. Second, you must be barefoot, in contact with the actual earth – sand, dirt or mud; and finally, you must begin with only 10 seconds the first day, increasing by 10 second intervals each day you practice. Following these rules make the practice safe, says sources.

Nikolai Dolgoruky of the Ukraine calls himself a ‘sun-eater’. He has been practicing sun gazing for the past 12 years and has largely subsisted off solar energy since he began. Others have reported losing the need for food after only 9 months of sun gazing (by which time the practitioner has worked up to a maximum of 44 minutes). After 9 months of practice, you need only walk barefoot on the earth for 45 minutes per day, 6 days in a row to further the process of what has been initiated by sun gazing.

Sun-gazing is a practice also called the HRM phenomenom, coined as such after Hira Ratan Manek, the man who submitted himself to NASA for scientific testing to confirm that he does indeed possess the almost ‘super-human’ ability of not eating, gained through his dedication to this interesting marvel. Funded by NASA, a team of medical doctors at the University of Pennsylvania observed Hira 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 100 days. NASA confirmed that he was indeed able to survive largely on light with occasionally a small amount of buttermilk or water during this time.

What happens to the body during Sun Gazing?

During your first 3 months of practice, the suns energy is moving through the eyes and charging the hypothalamus tract, says those who have studied this technique and used it. The hypothalamus tract is the pathway to the rear of the retina which leads to the brain. The brain then, over time, becomes activated by the energy supply being received by the sun. You will first experience a relief of mental tension and worry, since most worry is fueled by the energy received by the foods we eat. Since food gets it’s energy from the sun, it is said to be readily available to sun-eaters without the trouble of digestion. Though hunger is said to eventually cease, it is fine to continue eating regularly during initial stages, until appetite disappears naturally.

Another benefit early on is said to be an increase in confidence and an ability to easily solve your problems, as you are without tension. Everyone has at least a bit of psychosis, but during the first few months of sun gazing practice, it is reported that these attitudes go away and a positive nature gracefully replaces the old persona full of fears. By the end of 3 months, the gazing time will have increased to 15 minutes per day.

Reports on sun gazing say that the bad qualities normally associated with any person will gradually disappear and good qualities will remain, explaining that ‘bad qualities’ only develop in the absence of sunlight. Bad qualities like anger, fear, jealousy, lust – are said to disappear – and be replaced by a certain confidence and ‘spiritual knowing’ that senses more purely the heart of an issue.

At 3-6 months of gazing, the studies show that physical diseases start to disappear. They say that by the time one is gazing 30 minutes per day (building up 10 seconds per day) all the colors of the sun will have reached the brain. Color therapists attribute their healing of certain diseases to flooding the body and brain with the particular color that is lacking – depending on the ailment. For example, in liver disease, the color green is deficient. The kidneys need red, and the heart, yellow. All of the organs and all of the systems are said to respond to different colors of the rainbow, which is why it is also recommended to eat a diet rich in a variety of colors. It is recommended during the 3-4 month period that you use autosuggestion to see your body already healed of any perceived weakness or disease. This action will facilitate the process of returning to wholeness.

As you continue the process, it is reported that after 6 months, the energy stored from the technique is no longer being used for repairing the body or the mind and can move now into supporting you in gaining more super-human abilities.

What’s Beyond Healing?

By seven and a half months of gazing, now at 35 minutes, need and desire for food is dwindling. According to sun gazing experts, food is not actually needed to maintain the body, only energy – and ‘sun-eating’ provides that energy. By 9 months, all taste for food, including aroma, all hunger pains and cravings disappear. Those who make it this far say that they report a noticeable ‘change’ in the way their brain feels – like it’s “charged up.” After 9 months of sun-gazing – reaching a maximum of 44 minutes – it is advised that you give up sun-gazing and redirect your attention now to the Earth.

For 6 days straight, one is to walk barefoot on the earth, 45 minutes per day. During this barefoot walking, the pineal gland is said to become activated. Professional sun gazers and those researching the science say that each toe is connected to a specific gland, and by walking barefoot on the Earth, you activate these glands. The big toe is thought to be aligned with the pineal gland, the second toe with the pituitary, then the hypothalamus, thalamus and finally the pinky toe correlates to the amygdala. Walking barefoot, with the sun now falling on the top of your head, practitioners claim to create a sort of magnetic field in and around your body that recharges you and your brain.

Apparently this walking barefoot part is the most important aspect of the practice. As you continue walking on the Earth, this is when the magic really begins. The pineal gland is activated more and more by this walking procedure. Intellect is said to increase, along with memory. The pineal gland has navigational and psychic capabilities, meaning telepathy, the possibility of flight… now we are getting somewhere! Have you ever thought you would like to have your body in more than one place at a time? Well, sun-gazing is said to be the magical key to such abilities.

If you can barefoot walk 45 minutes every day for a year – you are golden. At that point, only a maintenance of 3-4 days a week is necessary to maintain the capabilities you have acquired.

Are there any dangers?

Doctors and eye care professionals caution against looking directly at the sun, saying that it will damage the retina. However, if done correctly, sun-gazing at the correct times of day, studies show there is no risk of damaging the eyes. Those who have been sun gazing for many years have had their eyes checked to show no damage, though it is advised that you have your eyes checked in the first few weeks of your practice, so you can know for yourself.

To sum it all up…

Remember, it’s 10 seconds the first day, at sunrise or sunset, adding 10 seconds per day each day there after. After 90 days of accumulative gazing equaling 44 minutes, you cease the gazing and start the barefoot walking 45 minutes per day for 6 days. At this point, I could imagine, hey – if you made it this far, what’s a year of barefoot walking an hour per day to keep it all? You will have to try it out and see for yourself. (Written by: Stasia Bliss)

Now if you do not believe in everything that has been said, you can click on the menu "Customs" or "Visa" or totally change the web site but, if you believe that a Glimmer of truth there is in all of this, I present this gentleman we met by chance in a village near Huwange in Zimbabwe (while traveling with the delegation of Gandino in October 2014).

Here it is! The Superman of one hundred twenty years old (I forgot the name! Imbarazzato). He lives in a remote cabin in the Huwange rural area. He eat once a week and drink so rarely that he no longer recognizes the taste of water.

"A woman from the village next door, pass once in a while to bring me something to eat and a little of water." he said in a low voice to our guide.

I was so interested to know how he spent his day, that I would be there to sleep.

(To my bad luck or fortune there was not even a cleat of signal, I was cut out of the world, without "Whatsap" how could I do? No network in that area ...)

Immediate change of the program. I began to interrogate him:

How you start your day?

"At dawn, I get up and sit by the door to watch the sun (the place where is sitting in the picture above), then when the sun gets hot, I return home. Towards sunset (the time at which we saw him come out of his hut) I sit down to watch again the sun."

But why you look at the sun? I asked curiously.

"Because I feel the need," he said.

His eyes seems to be burned, i feel he can't see so much, this old man has no knowledge of what he was doing and he was getting energy of life giving also to the sun part of his eyes, i think he was sitting more and more than 10 seconds watching the sun and even after the correct time when there is no UV.

Engelbert (our guide) was intent on giving him something to eat and drink, but I was frankly afraid; With us there were only "crap". Sweets made with hydrogenated vegetable oils, Kraft Singles (cheese) and colored salami that I would not have eaten, but unfortunately they were the only things that could remain "intact" during the trip and without refrigerator. Marco (the friend of Gandino that made us the beautiful pictures throughout the trip) had bought a bit of healthy jerky beef of Kudu (an animal similar to a deer). It was a tough meat and hard to chew, but the old man said that if we gave him water, he will boil it and then will eat it and drink the broth as a soup.

Anna (wife of Marco and the nurse who saved the lives of everyone including me) rides in the car to carry all the water bottles left without thinking about our long safari and brought them to the old man.

We were all in front of him, watching him eating the slices and drinking the fresh water in the bottle, his expression was always the same, as if his body did not rejoiced in what we gave him. The soul of this old man feel the need of the sun, he walks barefoot because he doesn't have a shoe but without realizing he obtained from the earth what we and our grandparents had a long forgotten and lost without being able to pass on all the benefits. The sun rays that came into his eyes fed him to the point of not having the big need of food.

I do not know if I would be able to live much as he did without leading a "chaotic" life. I don't mean that this man has not given anything, because we were watching the film of his life at the one hundred and twentieth year and this long life at that moment seemed to me like "empty" in reality it was not, maybe he would have thought the same of my life, too full, or too messy, chaotic and perhaps overcharging of things to him in vain.

I kept thinking on the way, if we could create a synergy between the lifestyle of that man and our lifestyle, maybe we could live well and longer. Who knows... Meanwhile, everything starts with the daunting task of dedicating each day few seconds of our life watching the sun...

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life what you will eat or drink; nor yet for your body, what you will wear; Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? And who of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his life? (Matthew 6,25-34)

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