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Visa to Zimbabwe



Category A and B:

  1. Passport valid for at least six months from the intended date of departure;
  2. n. 2 passport-size photos.


All visitors to Zimbabwe must have acceptable travel documents, which are still valid for at least six months from

the last day of the visit. Visitors must also possess sufficient funds to support themselves whilst in Zimbabwe, and have

the means of travelling back to their home countries, which in most cases would be a return ticket or use of own road

transport. Nationals of the following countries are granted visas at the port of entry:

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland and The Netherlands.

Single entry visas are also obtainable from the Zimbabwean Consulate in Milan (fees in Euros). Below are the applicable visa fees:

(a) Single entry: Euro 50 

(b) Double entry: US$ 45

(c) Multiple entry: US$ 55

  • No visa required:
    Antigua e Barbuda; Aruba; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Botswana; Cayman; Congo DRC; Cyprus; Fiji; Ghana; Grenada; Hong Kong; Hong Kong (Ch); Jamaica; Kenya; Kiribati; Leeward Isl.; Lesotho; Malaysia; Malawi; Maldives; Malta; Mauritius; Montserrat; Mozambique; Namibia; Nauru; Western Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Isl.; South Africa; St. Kitts; St. Lucia; St. Vincent & Grenadines; Swaziland; Tanzania; Trinidad & Tobago; Turk & Caicos Island; Tuvalu; Uganda; Vanuatu; Zambia.
  • Visa can be applied at the port of entry:
    Argentina; Austria; Australia; Belgium; Bermuda; Brazil; United Kingdom; Brunei; Canada; Cook Island; Czech Republic; Dominican Republic; Egypt; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Indonesia; Iceland; Israel; Italy; South Korea; Kuwait; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Principality of Monaco; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Palau Island; Palestine; Papua New Guinea; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Russian Federation; Seychelles; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Arab Emirates; Uruguay; United States of America; Vatican.
  • Application for visa is required from the Embassy before departure:
    Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Byelorussia; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Congo (Brazzaville); Bulgaria; Burkina Faso, Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Cape Verde;  Central African Republic; Chad; Chile; China; Costa Rica, Conakry; Ivory Coast; Croatia; Cuba; Djibouti; Ecuador; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Eyrom; French Guiana; French Polynesia; French W/Indies; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Gibraltar; Guam; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea Bissau; Guyana; India; Iran; Iraq; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Korea (DPRK); Kyrgyzstan; Laos; Latvia; Lebanon; Liberia; Libya; Lithuania; Macao; Madagascar; Mali; Marshall Island; Mauritania; Mexico; Micronesia; Moldova; Mongolia; Morocco; Myanmar; Nepal; New Caledonia; Nigeria; Norfolk Island; Northern Mariana Isl.; Oman; Pakistan; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Philippine; Principe; Qatar; Reunion; Romania; Rwanda; Samoa (America); Republic of San Marino; Sao Tome; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Sierra Leone; Slovakian Republic; Slovenia; Somalia; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Taiwan; Thailand; Togo; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Venezuela; Viet Nam; Yemen; Yugoslavia.